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  3. Western Park Bus from Alcudia

Western Park Bus from Alcudia

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Depart from North Area
Adults 54.00
| Children 39.00

 0-2 years free

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Friday 18 April

Friday 25 April

Friday 2 May

Wensday 7 May

Friday 9 May

Wensday 14 May

Friday 16 May

Wensday 21 May

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Wensday 28 May

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Monday 2 June

Wensday 4 June

Friday 6 June

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Friday 13 June

Monday 16 June

Wensday 18 June

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Monday 23 June

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Friday 27 June

Monday 30 June

Wensday 2 July

Friday 4 July

Monday 7 July

Wensday 9 July

Friday 11 July

Monday 14 July

Wensday 16 July


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Western Park Bus from Alcudia 54.00 39.00 €
54.00 Adults
39.00 Children (3-12)

 0-2 years free

  • Tour Duration

    Full day excursion

  • Mobile Voucher Accepted

    No need to print

  • Instant Confirmation

  • Fast and Easy

    Book online in 3 easy steps

  • Best price guarantee

  • Bus pick up

    at your hotel or point nearby

Easy Cancellation more information
With this excursion with return bus, enjoy more than five hours in Western Water Park, one of the best water parks on Majorca.

Informationes about Western Water Park

Plan your bus from Alcudia to Western Water Park

Where is Western Park?

Ver Excursion Western Water Park en un mapa más grande
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Customer reviews for Western Park Bus from Alcudia:

  • Sandra
    punto punto punto punto punto

    It was to expensieve for what it was. I have been better waterpark then that

  • Paul
    punto punto punto punto punto

    Wir sind im Juli hierher gekommen. Wir waren 4 Erwachsene 3 Kinder 10, 9 & 6. Wir buchten und bekamen 5 Gratis-Sonnenliegen für die Buchung direkt dazu, was toll war, weil es sonst €4,50 extra kostet. Wir hatten alle einen tollen Tag. Es ist ein schöner Park,sauber und gepflegt. Es gibt Rutschen für jedes Alter. Das Essen hatten wir mitgebracht, es gab genug Zonen wo man essen konnte. Wir haben diesen Park geliebt und werden auf jeden Fall wieder kommen.

  • Sharon
    punto punto punto punto punto

    Western water park is a great water park. The kids had a great time enjoying all the water slides and the children play areas. Thanks for a great trip.

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